Generally, the term DIY is used in the area of house maintenance and improvement. 

DIY or Do it Yourself basically consists of 3 steps. 

  1. Set the Destination
  2. Get the required materials
  3. Execute Stepwise

DIY, Do it Yourself, Amateur Radio, radio equipment, installation , India, ARCAD

DIY or DO IT YOURSELF is a very important aspect of Amateur Radio. Every Amateur Radio Operator must have the basic theoretical as well as practical knowledge of radio equipment, its installation and minor repairs.  

Since most of us are not from the Electronics field, it might initially be tough to directly start with the complicated equipment like set itself. Hence Every Ham must pursue a DIY approach along with the hobby of Amateur Radio

We can start with very small and basic circuits or assemblies (a few examples are included on this website). 

There are following basic steps involved in any type of DIY. 

  1. Be clear about the concept of the final output. 
  2. Plan your approach. Ideally, note it down along with the requirements stepwise.
  3. Plan checkpoints. During the whole process of DIY, we should plan for definite checkpoint steps where we can halt and “test” our project up to that point. 
  4. Re-plan the approach if required. 
  5. After finishing the project, recheck, especially electrical connections if any, and then go ahead with the final step. 
  6. Try to record your first output or result.

DIY, Do it Yourself, Amateur Radio, radio equipment, installation , India, ARCAD

For this DIY and for further basic repairs, being a Ham, we should have the following things, instruments with us. 

  1. Basic toolbox containing polish paper, scale, measure tape, screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, wire cutters, cutter blades, cello tape, insulation tape, hacksaw blade and frame, files, spanners, nails and screws, few pieces of wires, veroboard, etc.
  2. Compass box or stationery items comprising of pencils, rounders, markers, pens, eraser, small scale, protractor, basic set square, instant adhesive, etc. 
  3. Special instruments like soldering kit or at least soldering iron and wire, multimeter, simple wire continuity tester, basic crimping machine, magnifying glass, matchbox, nail cutter, etc.